Southern Alberta: Growth of Import and Export Opportunities for West Coast Ports
We are delighted to offer an introduction to the five phase Report entitled, “Study of Southern Alberta for Import and Export Opportunities for West Coast Ports”
This report is designed to explore the opportunities for growth in a number of economic sectors in Southern Alberta, including:
- Southern Alberta – Growth of Import and Export Opportunities for West Coast Ports Agricultural Back Haul Containers
- Southern Alberta – Growth of Import and Export Opportunities for West Coast Ports Calgary Region as a Distrubution Hub
- Southern Alberta – Growth of Import and Export Opportunities for West Coast Ports Growth of Reefer Business
- Southern Alberta – Growth of Import and Export Opportunities for West Coast Ports Automotive Distrubution Centre
- Southern Alberta – Growth of Import and Export Opportunities for West Coast Ports Growth of Bulk Business
- Southern Alberta – Growth of Import and Export Opportunities for West Coast Ports Executive Summary
For a number of years the Van Horne Institute has collaborated with governments at three levels, the transportation industry, expert consultants and academics in researching the Asia Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative. In a synthesis report in April 2008, entitled, “Thinking Ahead – Gateways, Corridors, Productivity and Development”, authors David Gillen, Barry Prentice, Graham Parsons and the writer, discussed the role of gateways and corridors in a developing global, continental and national trading environment. This synthesis analyzed current and future movement of goods through Western Canada and included an analysis in the context of gateways and corridors in the development and expansion of inland ports.
In Western Canada the development of inland ports has been exponential. We have two vibrant and expanding seaports in Vancouver and Prince Rupert and at least five major inland ports whose growth reflects a critical interaction between their catchment area and the seaports to which they are connected by our critical rail and road networks.
The expanded volume of products identified in the five phases of this Report will require an efficient and effective supply chain to and from the west coast ports of Vancouver and Prince Rupert. The Province of Alberta is extremely fortunate to have access via both the southern and northern road and railway systems for connections to these ports.
The Van Horne Institute was honoured to be entrusted with the development of this research. We are very pleased to have been able to work with our principal consultants and researchers, Triskele Logistics and JRSB Logistics Consulting Limited.
We want to thank the following sponsors for their generous contributions without which this study would not have occurred:
- Port of Prince Rupert
- Government of Alberta
- Rocky View County
- Calgary Regional Partnership
- Calgary Economic Development
- Cando Rail Services
The identified areas of potential growth in the economy of Southern Alberta, reflect in part, a diversification strategy away from the reliance on oil and gas. We should recognize that the export of oil and gas products will continue to be, for a number of years, a very important element in this Province’s economy. The Study examines the potential for growth in the five areas detailed above and suggests potential methods by which these expanded volumes of products can reach or be received from world markets. Ultimately, it will be the customer that will determine how this expanded product-base will be shipped. The end result however, will be an expansion of the economic activities for which the Province of Alberta already has a world class reputation.
The name
is already in use.